2014-2018 南京林业大学 家具设计与工程 工业设计博士学位
2012-2014 南京林业大学 视觉传达设计硕士学位
2005-2010 伊斯兰阿扎德大学纳杰法巴德分校 地毯设计学士学位
2021.07- 至今 上海视觉艺术学院 老师
2018.09-2020.06 南京师范大学 博士后
1. “Recent Advances in Architectural graphics”. Rose Publication Pty, Limited, 2022, ISBN:978-6455789-9-7, Australia.
2. “Iran China visual tradition encounter: Furniture design”. Arna publication,2020, ISBN: 978-600-356-933-7, Iran.
3. “Pre-Islamic Religious Design Motifs (550 BC to 651 AD): Influences in Iranian Minor Art: with Focus on Rug Decorative Motifs “ HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies (Q1 journal) ISSN: 0259-9422, E-ISSN: 2072-805. VOL 79, NO 2 (2023) Published: 24 March 2023.
4. “The Evaluation of Iranian Carpet Design with the influence of Islam and Chinese art: Illkhanid, Timurid, Safavid” Journal of History Culture and Art Research (ISSN: 2147-0626) Vol.9, No.1, March 2020.
5. “A study of Interior Furniture and decorative motifs of Achaemenid and Sassanid” American Journal of Art and Design, Vol. 4, No. 4 December 2019.